AP Chemistry Mastery Class
Be PROACTIVE with your learning
Overwhelmed by AP Chemistry? Lost in class or with assignments?
Chem Help ASAP offers expert guidance!
Why Choose Chem Help ASAP:
Comprehensive Content
Dive deep into topics with a meticulously crafted curriculum that covers every essential concept.
Expert Instructors
Learn from a UC Berkeley graduate with a Masters in Chemistry and over a decade of college teaching experience. Karin specializes inbreaking down complex topics, fostering confidence, and inspiring a love for learning.
Interactive Learning
This isn’t a self-paced, “you are on your own” type of class. You’ll participate in live, interactive online sessions alongside other students.
Test Taking Strategies
Gain insights into how to prepare for a test, how to approach a test, and how to manage time during the test.
Karin Stevens
Masters in Chemistry from UC Berkeley and over a decade experience teaching college chemistry at Davidson College
Frequently Asked Questions
What are Office Hours?
Office hours provide a dedicated space for students to ask questions related to their specific class. Many students use this time to prepare for tests, work on lab reports, or seek help with homework. It’s also an ideal opportunity for those who have joined the class late to catch up on topics where they need additional support.
Office hours are limited to a maximum of two students per session. Students may sign up for as many office hours as they like once registered for the class.
What is the schedule?
Class meets twice a week in the afternoon/evening (depending on your time zone) for one-hour live sessions. Optional office hours are offered every Wednesday; students will receive a sign up link when registering for 4 weeks.
Does the class prepare students for the AP exam in the spring?
Yes! We will finish covering all the content for AP chemistry by mid-March. Then we shift to exam prep. This includes extra practice with questions from previous exams, focused content review and exam taking strategies.
How does the class work?
The class meets twice a week for one-hour sessions, where I introduce new topics before they’re covered in your regular coursework. This proactive approach keeps students ahead in their learning throughout the year. By arriving to class with prior knowledge, you’ll not only enhance your understanding but also get more out of your regular lessons. Over time, I’ve found that students who engage with material in advance tend to grasp it more deeply, ask more thoughtful questions, and retain the information more effectively.
What happens if my teacher skips a topic or teaches the AP units out of order?
While College Board suggests a unit outline, teachers often skip or rearrange topics. In this class, we strictly follow College Board’s structure. If your teacher skips ahead, attending office hours can be beneficial for clarifying out of order topics. I’ll also provide video content and practice problems aligned with your AP material.
This approach has two key benefits: First, you’ll be prepared when your teacher covers previously skipped topics. Second, if some topics are never revisited, you’ll still be fully prepared for the AP exam, with no gaps in your knowledge.